Be A Sponsor
Skating at this level requires an enormous commitment from the athletes, the coaches and the whole family. It also takes resources, especially as we prepare for the U.S. National Championships, with all the training costs, costumes, ice fees and travel that is required.
If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes an entire metropolitan area to support a competitive skating team.
To help defray these expenses and provide a tax-deductible way for friends and supporters to help make Rachel & Michael’s Olympic dreams a reality, we have joined with the New England Amateur Skating Foundation to set up a Team Sponsorship program through the Foundation.
Download our Sponsorship Form today and give as generously as you can. Contributions are deductible as charitable contributions, and must be mailed by check to the Foundation, using the tear-off form provided in the flyer. Checks should be made out to NEASF. More details are provided on the form. Anything you can do is much appreciated.
Rachel and Michael now have a page (click the link at the left).
From their GoFundMe page: Most of us will never know what it feels like to compete for Team USA at the Winter Olympics… but we can know what it feels like to help some deserving young Americans get their chance.  Think how great it would feel to help an extremely talented Junior ice dance team, from a family of modest means, rise to the top of this beautiful but incredibly competitive and expensive sport. Now’s your chance!
Rachel & Michael Parsons are the current U.S. Silver Medalists in Junior Ice Dance and they’ve just won three straight Gold medals for Team USA in their last three international competitions. They have the skills, the drive, and the opportunity to make it all the way to the Olympics, but they need some financial help right now to make it to the 2016 World Junior Championships in Hungary and stay on track to reach their dreams.
Team Sponsors:
Julide Aker
Lee Annis
Peggy & Jim Antonisse
Ed Asher
Catherine Bailey
Marilyn Balcombe
Battley Harley-Davidson
Wesley & Laura Bauver
Jeff Becker
Eliza Bell
Eileen Black
Anne Blaisdell
Daphne Bloomberg
Blue Star Group
Frederick Boyle
Barbara Brocker
Kyle Button
Cheryl Byrne
Emily Caffrey & Robert Judge
Tom & Camille Brewster
Capital Skating Fund
James Caress & Leanne Willis
Elisabeth Carlson
Helen Carpenter
Gerald R. Cichy
Frances Clare
Charles & Tina Cleland
Christ Church Parish
Andrew Cohen
Dan D’Agostino
Mary Dalto
Francis O. Day Company, Inc.
Michael Day
Justin & Meredith Dayhoff
John, Debra & Kaitlin Dillon
Rebecca Durden
Robert Eddy
Bebe Edmondson & Jose Chieng
Eric & Wendy Ellman
Ben Ernst
David & Jenny Ernst
Dr. Robert Evans
Judy Fair-Spaulding
Kenneth & Danielle Fang
Lisa & David Feldmann
Deb, Dave, Janet & Kaz Felix-Hawver
Richard & Louise Fessenden
Diane & Jeffrey Fisher
Jenny & Bill Forehand
Peter Fosselman
Amy Fradley
Cheryl & Ben Frank
Gilbert Gabriel
Rebecca Garcia
Jeff & Gigi Godwin
Sandra Goldman & Nina Hemmelgam
Mary Goulding
Karen Hanley
Florence Hansen
Roma & Tom Hart
Bruce Healey
Leigh & Pete Henry
Barbara P. Herrgesell
Tom & Caroline Hickman
Ginanne Italiano
Cheryl Kagan
Greg Kalik
Bruce & Jo Kapsack
The Kirkendall Family
Beth Koralais
Rona Kramer
The Kraus-Jakobsberg Family
Suzanne Michel & Robert Kulawiec
Matthew Leakan
Greg Lebel
Bruce Lee
David & Diane Lee
Ruth & David Leipold
Larry Levitan
Susie Lukens
Gregory & Susan Madden
Anne Magro
Michael & Laura Mayer
Eric Mazeriegos
Robert McNeil
Judge & Pat McWhorter
Lola J. Meyer
Dorothy Michael
Al & Sue Minite
Kathy Mitchell
Jon & Liz Morgan
Suzanne Murrin
New England Amateur Skating Fund
Thomas Osborne
Tedi Osias
Danielle Parsons
David Parsons
Jillian Parsons
Lyn Parsons
Marcia Parsons
Parsons & Associates
Dr. Edward Parsons
Darcy Perl
Liza Porat
Nanci Porten
Muriel A. Poulin
Ann Pupjak
Sam & Irma Baker
Heidi Rasciner
Henry S. Richardson
Grace Rivera-Owen
Rodgers Consulting, Inc.
Linda Rorrer
Gary & Joan Runckel
Jenifer Russel
Dave & Mary Kate Ryner
Joannie Lancaster Salvagno
Aletta Schaap
Lori Sherwood
Allan & Joan Sobanski
David Spitzer
Paul & Charlene St. Jean
David Stetson
Colleen & David Stone
The Strand Family
Paul & Rosemarie Sugg
Alan & Susanne Swain
Dr. Peter Swain
Dylan Thayer
Richard Tockman
Carol Trawick
Terry Turner
US Figure Skating Association
USFSA Memorial Fund
US Olympic Committee, Simon Scholarship Fund
Mr. & Mrs. A. William Vantine
Karl Vantine
Brian & Karen Walsh
Washington Figure Skating Club
David & Beth Weaver
Michael Weiss Foundation
Donald Williams
Pat Williams
Sean & Anastacia Wooden
Don & Marie Wortman
Paul & Paula Yanoshik
Beth Young
Bill Zegrowitz
Beverly Zucker
Others who wish to remain anonymous
Thank you to ALL of our Sponsors: Thank you for your generous support for Rachel and Michael this year. They truly couldn’t have come this far without you. If you are not already a sponsor, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution today. Corporate advertising and visibility packages are available.
For More Information please contact Richard Parsons at:
Parsons & Associates
PO Box 10352
Rockville, MD 20849